is a manifestation of the mass resistance to our failing health, decades of propaganda, and the industries that are crippling and bankrupting us. If we fail to act, we are sure to fail another generation! Please join us in...

We must unlearn generations of ubiquitous propaganda, cons, chaos, and falsely touted 'facts and science!' Our 'nutrition guidelines' have been hijacked along with the institutions we once trusted to keep us educated, healthy, and fed. We must reclaim history, science, culture, and nutrition! Then we can turn away from what's wrong and return to what's right.
Backed by real science, there is an optimal way to nourish and fuel our bodies. This way aligns with our design and the design all around us! With centuries and ages of established success, this way produces high-performance athletes, healthier people overall, and a healthier planet!
TeamMEATing Performance Coaches will be instrumental in reestablishing a healthier world.
Many performance players (in academics and athletics) are young and healthy enough to still feel invincible! But the time it takes to develop non-communicable diseases in America has been slashed. What used to take 40, then 20 years to develop, we now see in our children!
Obesity, weak bones, poor oral health, type-2 diabetes, autoimmune disorders, cancers, mental diagnoses, allergies, etc. are skyrocketing. We’re doing something wrong—even with our invincible student athletes.
Recent history is stacked with lean, ‘fit,’ adult endurance athletes developing type-2 diabetes, type-3 diabetes (in the brain), chronic fatigue, compromised immune systems, heart disease, cancers, fibromyalgia, failing joints and bones, etc. Young adults are now breaking down, having body parts replaced and symptoms masked or treated rather than naturally healed and cured! We cannot afford or allow this to happen to another generation.
TeamMEATing Performance Players can realign with mankind's design for healthy longevity and high performance! Once the player generations know, promote, and live the truth, mighty men and women will prevail!
What we choose to nourish and fuel our brains and bodies with is crucial to a better quality of life as high-performance families!
Why we overeat is important! Chronic consumption and snacking on carbohydrates and seed oils are catastrophic because of their low-nutrient, anti-nutrient, and toxic properties that heighten cravings, addiction, lethargy, inflammation, damage, and disease.
When we choose to nourish and fuel, our bodies and brains can be adjusted for the better. Getting in sync with feedback from our body clocks, hormones, neurotransmitters, and our own social and circadian connections helps us feel great again and again!
We reveal the ubiquitous cons and myths about protein, fat, and carbohydrates! We teach what it really takes to nourish and fuel the next generation of high-performance families.
TeamMEATing Performance Meal Makers change the world with every meal.
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